Registrar of Voters


Running for Office of:
United States Senate
First name:
Last name:
To be seen on Ballot:
Walker, Troy, "Zakari"
Party Affiliation:
Democratic Party
900 S Valley View Blvd., Ste. 195
Las Vegas
Email address:
Formal Education:
I pursued a bachelor’s in criminal justice from UNLV, gaining a deep understanding of criminology, law enforcement, and psychology. Building upon this foundation, I enhanced my business acumen with courses in finance, marketing, and strategic planning. With this unique combination of qualifications, I possess a well-rounded skill set to make a meaningful impact. My formal education equips me to navigate the complex landscape of criminal justice and excel in leadership roles, leveraging my expertise in both the justice system and business management.
Current Occupation:
As an organizational leader and project development consultant, I play a pivotal role in guiding and overseeing the operations, growth, and strategic direction of my business. Leveraging my expertise and acumen, I provide valuable guidance to clients, helping them develop and implement effective strategies to achieve their goals. Additionally, as a program manager of a Fatherhood FIRE program, I lead and execute initiatives aimed at empowering fathers and fostering positive family relationships. Through my leadership, I inspire and motivated both my team and program participants, making a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families alike.
Government Background:
My background in government is rich and multifaceted, highlighting my exceptional leadership skills, commitment to public service and dedication to addressing critical societal issues. I have effectively managed complex projects and provided invaluable guidance to diverse stakeholders, ensuring successful outcomes and efficient operations. Through my experience as organizational leader and project consultant, program manager and president of a nonprofit, I have exhibited a deep understanding of societal changes and a steadfast commitment to creating meaningful change. My ability to bridge gaps, advocate for marginalized communities, and implement impactful solutions has positively impacted countless lives.
Reason for seeking position:
Seeking the role of United States Senator of Nevada is a natural progression for someone like me. I have witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities faced by individuals and families in Nevada.

My corporate experience has given me a deep understanding of the importance of efficient systems, effective management, and strategic decision-making. I have seen how policies and legislation can shape the business environment, and the impact they have on employees, employers, and the overall economy. Through my corporate leadership, I have gained insights into the needs and concerns of businesses, allowing me to advocate for policies that support sustainable economic growth, job creation, and fair representation for Nevada’s entrepreneurs and workers.

My role as a program manager of a fatherhood fire program has exposed me to the struggles faced by fathers who want to be present and supportive in their children’s lives. I have witnessed their determination to overcome obstacles and their desire to be positive role models. This program has provided them with the necessary tools, support, and resources to develop the skills and confidence needed to fulfill their responsibilities. This experience has ignited a passion within me to champion family-friendly policies that strengthen fatherhood, promote work-life balance, and address issues such as parental leave, childcare, and educational opportunities.

Additionally, working with reentry and families of children with disabilities, I have seen the gaps in our current system. I have witnessed the struggles faced by individuals transitioning back into society after incarceration and the barriers they encounter when seeking employment, housing, and support services. I have worked tirelessly to provide essential resources and initiatives that enable successful reentry and reduce recidivism rates. This experience has instilled in me a deep sense of commitment to criminal justice reform, advocating for rehabilitation programs and policies that promote reintegration, ensure fair treatment, and create opportunities for redemption.

Moreover, working with families of children with disabilities has highlighted the unique challenges faced by these individuals and their loved ones. I have seen the importance of inclusive education, access to healthcare, and support services that empower these families and ensure their voices are heard. This experience has fueled my commitment to champion disability rights, promote accessible infrastructure, and advocate for policies that enhance equal opportunities and remove barriers to inclusion.

Ultimately, my diverse experiences have shaped my vision for a more equitable, inclusive, and prosperous Nevada. I have seen the transformative power of effective policies and initiatives in supporting individuals, families, and communities. I believe that leadership should be rooted in compassion, integrity, and a fierce dedication to represent the needs and aspirations of the people. As the United States Senator of Nevada, I will leverage my diverse work experiences to advocate for policies that promote economic growth, strengthen families, support reentry, and ensure equal opportunities for all Nevadans.
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