Registrar of Voters


Running for Office of:
Reno City Council Ward 1
First name:
Thomas Gerad
Last name:
Van Ruiten
To be seen on Ballot:
Van Ruiten, Tom
PO Box 13146
Email address:
Formal Education:
During his college journey, Tom explored various paths, attending West Point and studying engineering at UC Davis before finding his calling in economics. He earned a BA in Economics from CSU Stanislaus on a full academic scholarship. For Tom, economics offers a unique lens into understanding human nature and social dynamics, combined with the analytical rigor of science and math. Alongside his degree, he also secured a teaching credential in California.
Current Occupation:
Tom serves as the Director of Marketing at the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority. With a robust academic foundation in economics and diverse industry experience spanning real estate, financial services, education, and marketing, he possesses a profound understanding of Reno's economic dynamics. Having walked in many roles, Tom effectively represents Reno's diverse population.
Government Background:
Tom does not have experience in government, which he views not as a shortcoming but as a strength that aligns with democratic principles. Our founders envisioned a government by the people, not a political class of career politicians. They believed public office should be accessible to all, without barriers based on prior governmental work. This inclusivity ensures diverse voices and fresh perspectives, unencumbered by bureaucratic norms, contribute to decision-making. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government." Tom's background outside politics enriches his understanding of Reno's community needs, fostering more inclusive and representative governance. In a system valuing diverse thought, we must value and encourage the participation of "regular" citizens in public service, ensuring a government truly of, by, and for the people.
Reason for seeking position:
I'm stepping forward to advocate for the community of Reno, the city I proudly call home.

We're at a pivotal moment, where the choices our leaders make today shape the future we pass on to the next generation. The responsibility of voters and elected officials has never been more critical.

Improving our community requires us to reconnect with our collective identity and pride. Littered public spaces, homelessness, and neglected infrastructure don't reflect the Reno we know and love. If we wouldn't accept these conditions in our personal homes, why should we tolerate them in our city?

Our City Council must do better in fostering a sense of collective responsibility. We need a culture of unity where every resident feels empowered to maintain our city's standards. Remember, the council works for us; we elect them and hold them accountable.

I believe I can help steer Reno in a new direction, addressing challenges like homelessness, cultural shifts due to new residents, and affordable housing shortages. I advocate for "Smart Growth," balancing economic growth with community values and preserving Reno's unique character.

With an academic background in economics and a diverse career spanning education, small business ownership, real estate, tourism, finance, and marketing, I bring a breadth of experience to the table. My varied roles offer fresh perspectives to tackle our city's challenges.

Collaboration is key to progress. I've bridged generational divides and worked with people from all walks of life. While I value compromise, I also have the courage to stand firm on important issues, even when facing opposition.

I never aspired to be a politician. But I'm deeply committed to Reno's future and believe now is the time for me to step up. I envision a future Reno built on unity, where policies adapt to evolving needs and elevate our collective well-being.

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