Registrar of Voters


Running for Office of:
Sparks City Council Ward 1
First name:
Last name:
To be seen on Ballot:
Abbott, Donald
PO Box 2725
Formal Education:
I’m a proud first-generation graduate from Truckee Meadows Community College with an Associate of Applied Science in HVAC/R and another in Renewable Energy.
Current Occupation:
I own AbbottOgraphy, a local photography company specializing in Portraits, Weddings, and Sports Photos. Additionally, I serve as the current Sparks City Councilman representing Ward 1 at City Council and Sparks on nine other community boards.
Government Background:
Serving as your Councilman for Ward 1 for seven years, I bring a deep-rooted commitment to community development. Raised in the ward, I ran for office driven by a desire to enact positive change, focusing on responsible growth, public safety, and infrastructure. I foster transparency and inclusivity, regularly engaging constituents. My hands-on approach extends to community service, inspiring others through volunteerism. As I seek re-election, I believe my record of accomplishment and dedication underscore my vision for a thriving, inclusive Ward 1.
Reason for seeking position:
My decision to seek re-election from a deep-seated commitment to public service and a steadfast dedication to the betterment of our community. Over the past 7 years, I have demonstrated unwavering leadership and a tireless work ethic, earning the trust & respect of my constituents.

I’m a lifelong resident of Ward 1 which allows me to have a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the neighborhood. From an early age, I have witnessed the diverse tapestry of this community and felt a strong sense of responsibility to contribute positively to its growth and development.

Throughout my tenure, I have remained steadfast in my commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing Ward 1. Public safety is a top priority for me, as I understand the fundamental role it plays in fostering a thriving and vibrant community. I have been an advocate for community policing efforts, emphasizing the importance of building trust and collaboration between law enforcement and residents. Having fire stations that are properly staffed with personnel and the correct equipment so they can safely and efficiently perform their duties of keeping the citizens of Sparks safe has been a priority as well for me.

Housing is something I recognize as critical importance of ensuring that all residents have access to safe and affordable housing options. I have supported Accessory Dwelling Units and advocating for the city's purchase of land for affordable housing projects. I have collaborated with Northern Nevada Community Housing, writing a letter of support to help secure funding for their most recent project on Prater to support the Live, Work, Play motto we have here in Sparks.

Infrastructure improvements have also been a focal point of mine. I recognize the importance of investing in essential infrastructure projects to ensure that Ward 1 remains a desirable place to live, work, play, and raise a family. I have worked diligently to secure funding for road repairs in Ward 1, improvements to the wastewater treatment Plant, and other critical infrastructure needs, prioritizing projects that have the greatest impact on the community's quality of life.

In addition to my legislative duties, I’m deeply involved in community service efforts aimed at improving the lives of Ward 1 residents from Seniors to Kids. Whether volunteering at local food pantries, participating in cleanup efforts, organizing food drives or just by stopping by the Senior center for lunch to chat with our amazing Seniors, I lead by example and inspire others to give back to their community.

As I seek re-election, I remain committed to building upon my record of accomplishments for Sparks and continuing to serve as a tireless advocate for the residents of Ward 1. I’m dedicated to working collaboratively with constituents, community leaders, and fellow elected officials to address the challenges facing the neighborhood and to create a brighter, more inclusive future for all. My passion for public service and my unwavering commitment to the well-being of my community make me the ideal candidate to represent Ward 1 for another term.
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