Registrar of Voters


Running for Office of:
Sparks City Council Ward 1
First name:
Nicolas C.
Last name:
To be seen on Ballot:
Lee, Nicolas
775 / 376-4032
Formal Education:
University of North Dakota
BSBA 1975
Accounting Major with strengths in Computer Science
Current Occupation:

Enjoying everything about it.

Outdoor facilitator along with Kristine, my wife, for nearly 500 outings for local hiking club since retirement.
Government Background:
Have always been interested in the inner workings of Gov't as it relates to providing services to the people, at all levels.

Poor Gov't leadership has not adversely affected me as much because of my earlier financial planning.

Why settle for mediocrity, when you can do better?

Once quoted elsewhere..

The Gov't does not owe you a living.. Good Gov't should give you the OPPORTUNITY to make a good living.

Do you agree?

Reason for seeking position:
I agree with the majority of what my opponent, Christine Garvey, has already written. Ditto.

The incumbent's record speaks for itself.

Now. A bit of history...

I ran for City Council in 2010 when my home was zoned Ward 2, but now Ward 1. I have continuously lived in the same home since 1986.

My opponent then for the primaries, among others, is now the current Mayor. Back then, the candidates were voted on a city wide basis. But that has changed to only Ward specific voting.

Factually, City Gov't does not attract the most qualified people. And it clearly shows.

For example, for a $30 filing fee, and in this case, I have a 33% chance of moving on to the November General Election ballot.

With voter apathy at an all time high, the chance of a candidate who has less resume than, say, a supervisor of a city landscaper position, should scare you no matter how personable they are.

I, however, have the desired and specific background in financing and computer science to cut through the "word salad" of facts and figures and get to the "meat" of the matter.

When you vote and elect me, I will do my best to elevate your quality of life and representation that your neighborhood and city deserves.

And above all, that City Funds are spent wisely and accounted.

Job #1 for any CFO (for that matter, any city employee) is safeguard, City Assets.. and that includes, NO HUGE Lawsuit Payouts as the result of negligence.


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