Geographic Information Systems

Burn Permit Form

Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District
3663 Barron Way, Reno, NV 89511
Telephone (775) 326-6000, Fax (775) 326-6003

Winter 2024 / Spring 2025 Burn Permit

This permit is subject to the terms and conditions of use contained herein and must be produced at the request of a Fire District Representative. This permit is null and void upon the declaration of fire season, until burn season is re-opened in the fall, per the determination of the Fire District.

All fields are required.

Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter your phone number.
Enter your email address.
Please use the "Burn Location Address" search below and select your address from the list of suggestions to find your APN number. If your property/parcel does not have an address and you know the APN, please enter it into the "APN" field manually.
Begin typing to search valid addresses.
Enter the APN in the format 123-456-78.
Enter the name of the responsible party.

Permittee, upon acceptance of this permit, agrees to the following conditions: (Please mark)
By marking here I acknowledge the property where I am burning is 1 acre or greater outside of the Truckee Meadows Hydrographic Basin or 2 acres or greater inside of the Truckee Meadows Hydrographic Basin.
Once an address or parcel number is entered into the GIS system if burning is not permitted due to insufficient size of the parcel or location the burn permit will be denied.
Open burning can only be conducted between December 1st-31st, and April 1st-April 30th, when conditions allow. Before burning, verify on the Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue website or call 775.326.6000 option 1 to determine whether it is a permissible burn day. If it is not a permissible burn day, burning is not allowed on that day, under any circumstances.
Regular burn hours are from SUNRISE until NOON, with absolutely no smoke visible after 1 P.M. The responsible party shall extinguish and monitor the burn for a minimum of two (2) hours after extinguishment. Hours may be subject to change.
Burning of clean, woody, forest, range, or natural vegetation is permitted.
Burning of household trash and treated wood or lumber is PROHIBITED!
Burning of materials that would cause noxious odors or a large amount of smoke are prohibited. (NO plastics, NO trash)..
Burning is only permissible if wind speeds are 10 mph or less.
Open burning should be conducted at least 50 feet from any structure or other combustible materials.
  • Burn piles greater than 50 feet from structures shall be no more than four (4) feet in diameter by six (6) feet high.
  • Burn piles between 25 feet and 50 feet from a structure are permissible but limited to three (3) feet wide by two (2) feet high.
  • Pile burning must be at least 25 feet from any structure.
Multiple piles must be spaced at least 10 feet apart.
Burn barrels are permissible under the following conditions:
  • No larger than 55-gallon metal drums may be used and must be in good condition.
  • Barrels shall have a screen made of no less than 14-gauge wire and holes no more than ¼ inches in diameter. The screen shall fit securely over the top of the barrel when it is full of material to be burnt.
  • Barrels must be placed on a stable non-combustible surface. All combustible materials must be removed from the area surrounding the barrel, maintaining a minimum clearance of five (5) feet in all directions.
  • Fires in approved containers shall be a minimum of 15 feet from a structure.
A water source and other approved fire-extinguishing equipment, such as shovels and rakes, shall be readily available for use at all burn sites.
This permit must be available for inspection at all times or upon request.
Failure to follow the restrictions listed above may result in the revocation of the burn permit for the remainder of the season and the issuance of a misdemeanor citation for any violations.

This permit is valid only under the conditions prescribed by law or by the District Chief relating to time, weather, burning specifications, firebreaks, and staffing requirements. The Permit does not relieve the user of any legal responsibility for the safe use of fire or allow burning to be done in violation of any State law, County ordinance, or local regulations restricting or regulating the use of fire. This permit may be suspended and/or revoked by the District Fire Chief or his authorized representative.

Any person who violates the terms or conditions of this Permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be cited as such per Washoe County Code Chapter 60 and NRS 475. The expense of responses to, and suppression of, any emergency incident that is the result of a violation of this Permit, may be charged to the Responsible Party whose violation caused the response of equipment and personnel.

Burn permit is only valid for the dates listed and when conditions allow. This permit will expire April 30, 2025. Dates are subject to change and may end earlier due to weather, fuel conditions and air quality.

Enter the permittee name.

Enter the date.

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