- Washoe County Public Defender
- Public Defenders Office
- Criminal Cases
- Youth Cases
- Continuing Education
- Internship
- civil
- How do I find out the name of my Public Defender?
- How can I get the services of a Public Defender?
- I have been told I have a Conflict Attorney, what does that mean?
- How can I contact my conflict attorney?
- If I am arrested for drug possession, is there a way to have my criminal case dismissed?
- If I am arrested, should I talk to the police?
- If the police don't read me my rights, can I get my case dismissed?
- How can I find out what courtroom my case is being heard in?
- What is an Arraignment?
- What is a preliminary hearing?
- What if I fail to appear at my hearing?
- What do I do if I know I have a warrant?
- What do I do if I am picked up on a warrant?
- What can I expect if I am arrested?
- What is probation and what happens if I violate it?
- What is bail?
- How do I go about getting my records sealed?
- Are Public Defenders attorneys?
- Where and how do I pay court ordered fees for the Public Defender?
- What is the difference between a Public Defender and a District Attorney?
- Can I file my own motions in court?
- Where can I find the County Law Library?
- If I am a victim of a crime, can the Public Defender's Office represent me?
- What language services are available?
- Do Public Defenders have the same obligations as private attorneys?
- Can the Public Defender's office represent me on my traffic ticket?
- How do I get my case investigated?
- How do I find someone who is in the Washoe County jail?
- How can I visit someone who is in the Washoe County jail?
- How do I visit a state prison?
- What happens if I am charged with a Juvenile offense?
- If Juvenile charges are filed against you, you have the right to a lawyer
- How does a Juvenile case start?
- What happens if I am arrested (juvenile)?
- What is a detention hearing (juvenile)?
- What should I wear to my hearing?
- What is a plea hearing (juvenile)?
- What is a dispositional hearing (juvenile)?
- What is emancipation?
- What should I do if I am in an abusive situation?
- What should I do if my family breaks up?
- Como puedo conseguir los servicios de un Defensor Publico?
- Como me entero del nombre de mi Abogado Defensor Publico?
- He sido informado que yo tengo un 'Abogado de Conflicto', que significa esto?
- Como puede ponerme en contacto con un abogado de conflicto?
- Si yo soy arrestado por posesion de drogas, existe alguna forma de que mi caso criminal sea deshechado?
- Si yo soy arrestado debo hablar con la policia?
- Si la polcia no me lee mis derechos, puedo tener mi caso deshechado?
- Como puedo saber en que corte esta mi caso?
- Que es la lectura de la acusacion?
- Que es una audiencia preliminary?
- Que sucede si no me presento?
- Que hago si yo se que tengo una orden de arresto?
- Que hago si me arrestan por una orden de arresto?
- Que puedo esperar si yo soy arrestado?
- Que es libertad vigilada y que sucede si yo violo la libertad vigilada?
- Que es una fianza
- Los Defensores Publicos son abogados?
- Cual es la diferencia entre un Defensor Publico y un Fiscal del Distrito?
- Puedo registrar mi propia peticion en la corte?
- Donde puedo encontrar la Biblioteca de Leyes del Condado?
- Si yo soy victima de un crimen, puedo ser representado por la Oficina de los Defensores Publicos?
- Cuales servicios de lenguajes son disponibles?
- Los Defensores Publicos tienen las mismas obligaciones que los abogados privados?
- Puede la Oficina de Defensores Publicos representarme en una citacion de trafico?
- Como consigo que mi caso sea investigado?
- Como encuentro a alguien que esta en la carcel del Condado?
- Como puedo visitar a alguien que esta en la carcel del Condado?
- Como visito la prision del estado?
- Que sucede si yo tengo un cargo de una Ofensa Juvenil?
- Si usted es culpado de cargos juveniles usted tiene derecho a un abogado
- Como comienza un Caso Juvenil:
- Si usted es arrestado...
- Audiencias de Detencion -
- Lo que usted no debe vestir -
- Audiencia de declaracion a los cargos -
- Audiencia de Disposicion
- Emancipacion -
- Violencia/Abuso/Asalto Sexual -
- La familia que se separa o se rompe -
Attorneys at Law

Evelyn Grosenick
Public Defender
Advocacy, Integrity, Community
Protecting the Rights of the Individual for the Benefit of All
The mission of the Washoe County Public Defender's Office is to protect and defend the rights of indigent people in Washoe County by providing them access to justice through professional legal representation.
Standard of Excellence since 1969