Real Property Assessment Data
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{{ $index+1}} | {{ x.dsp_strap}} | {{ x.addr}} | {{ x.owner_name}} |
{{ $index+1}} | {{ x.dsp_strap}} | {{ x.addr}} | {{ x.owner_name}} | {{ x.last_doc_date_text}} | WRMS Parcel Map | {{ x.status_cd}} |
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Washoe County Assessor for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Washoe County Assessor's Office as of 03-24-2025
If you have questions or corrections about our property data you can call us at 775-328-2277 or email us at
{{}} | {{ x.dscr}} |
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Washoe County Assessor for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Washoe County Assessor's Office as of 03-24-2025
If you have questions or corrections about our property data you can call us at 775-328-2277 or email us at
APN | {{property.dsp_strap}} | Card {{cardnum}} of {{property.qi[1].MaxCard}} | ||
expand_more expand_less Situs {{s.num}} |
{{}} {{s.state}} {{}} |
Bld # {{s.bld_num}} | ||
expand_more expand_less Owner {{$index+1}} or Trustee | {{}} | {{o.dscr}} | {{(o.note)}} % | |
Mail Address |
{{property.qi[cardnum].Mailing2}} {{property.qi[cardnum].Mailing1}} {{property.qi[cardnum].City}} {{property.qi[cardnum].State}} {{property.qi[cardnum].Zip}} {{property.qi[cardnum].country}} |
Keyline Desc | {{property.qi[cardnum].LegalDesc}} | ||
Subdivision | {{property.qi[cardnum].Subdivision}} | ||
Section {{property.qi[cardnum].Sect}} Township {{property.qi[cardnum].Township}} Range {{property.qi[cardnum].Range}} | |||
Record of Survey Map {{property.qi[cardnum].RSMap}} : Parcel Map# {{property.qi[cardnum].ParcelMap}} : Sub Map# {{property.qi[cardnum].SubMap}} | |||
Special Property Code | {{property.qi[cardnum].SpecPropCode}} | ||
{{property.qi[cardnum].FiscalYear}} Tax District | {{property.qi[cardnum].TaxDist}} | Prior APN | {{property.qi[cardnum].PriorPID}} |
{{(property.qi[cardnum].FiscalYear - 1)}} Tax District | {{property.abatement[property.FISCAL_YEAR-1].TAg}} | Tax Cap Status | {{property.taxcap[0].dscr}} |
PERMITS | {{property.qi[cardnum].PermitVP}} {{property.qi[cardnum].PermitVD}} |
Bld #{{cardnum}} Situs | {{property.qi[cardnum].Situs}} | Property Name | {{property.qi[cardnum].PropName}} |
Quality | {{property.qi[cardnum].QC}} {{property.qi[cardnum].Grade}} | Building Type | {{property.qi[cardnum].BldgType}} |
Stories | {{property.qi[cardnum].Stories}} | 2nd Occupancy | {{property.qi[cardnum].AltType}} |
Year Built | {{property.qi[cardnum].YearBlt}} | WAY | {{property.qi[cardnum].WAY}} |
Bedrooms | {{property.qi[cardnum].Beds}} | Square Feet | {{property.qi[cardnum].BldgSF}} |
Full Baths | {{property.qi[cardnum].FullBaths}} | Finished Bsmt | {{property.qi[cardnum].BsmtFinArea}} |
Half Baths | {{property.qi[cardnum].HalfBaths}} | Unfin Bsmt | {{property.qi[cardnum].BsmtArea}} |
Fixtures | {{property.qi[cardnum].Fixtures}} | Basement Type | {{property.qi[cardnum].BsmtType}} |
Fireplaces | {{property.qi[cardnum].FirePlaces}} | Gar Conv Sq Feet | {{property.qi[cardnum].GarConvArea}} {{property.qi[cardnum].GarConvType}} |
Heat Type | {{property.qi[cardnum].HeatType}} | Total Garage Area | {{property.qi[cardnum].GarArea}} |
2nd Heat Type | {{property.qi[cardnum].SecHeatType}} | Garage Type | {{property.qi[cardnum].GarType}} |
Exterior Walls | {{property.qi[cardnum].ExtWalls}} | Detached Garage | {{property.qi[cardnum].DetGarArea}} |
2nd Ext Walls | {{property.qi[cardnum].SecExtWalls}} | Basement Gar Door | {{property.qi[cardnum].BmtGarDr}} |
Roof Cover | {{property.qi[cardnum].RoofType}} | Sub Floor | {{property.qi[cardnum].SubFloor}} |
% Complete | {{property.qi[cardnum].BLDGPercComplete}} | Frame | {{property.qi[cardnum].ConstClass}} |
Obso/Bldg Adj | {{(property.qi[cardnum].LumpSumCode!='') ? property.qi[cardnum].LumpSumCode : ''}} {{property.qi[cardnum].LumpSum}} | Units/Bldg | {{property.qi[cardnum].BldgUnits}} |
Construction Modifier | {{property.qi[cardnum].ConstructionModCode}} {{property.qi[cardnum].ConstructionModPerc}} | Units/Parcel | {{property.qi[cardnum].PropUnits}} |
Permit # | Agecy | Issue Date | Status | Type | Description | Est. Value | Appraiser | Last Note |
{{x.permit_num}} {{x.permit_num}} NOT AVAILABLE | {{}} | {{x.issue_dt}} | {{x.status_dscr}} | {{x.permit_cd}} | {{x.permit_dscr}} | {{x.permit_val| number}} | {{x.appraised_by}} | {{x.note}} |
Bld - Sec | Code | Description | Occupancy | Year Built | Year Eff | SqFt |
{{x.num}} - {{x.sec_num}} | {{}} | {{y.dscr}} | {{x.occ_dscr}} | {{x.yr_act}} | {{x.yr_eff}} | {{y.eff_area}} |
Code | Description | Quality | Year | Units |
{{}} | {{x.l_dscr}} | {{x.qual_cd}} | {{x.yr_eff}} | {{x.units}} |
Land Use | {{property.qi[1].LandUse}} | DOR Code | {{property.use_cd}} | Sewer | {{property.qi[1].Sewer}} | Neighborhood | {{property.nh_cd}} {{property.nh_cd.substr(0,2)}} Neighborhood Map |
Size | {{ property.LandSizeSF | number }} SqFt | Size | {{ property.LandSizeAC | number }} Acres | Street | {{property.qi[1].Street}} | Zoning Code | {{property.qi[1].Zoning}} |
CAGC | {{ property.qi[1].CAGC}} - {{property.qi[1].cagc_description}} | Water | {{property.qi[1].Water.substr(0,4)}} |
Zoning | Land Use Code | Land Unit Type | Units | $/unit (Base Lot Value) | Total Adjustment | Value |
{{x.zone_cd + ' - ' + x.dscr}} | {{}} | {{x.unit_cd}} | {{x.units | number:0}} | {{x.rate | number:0}} | {{x.tot_adj | number:2}} | {{x.val| number:0}} |
Land Adjustment | {{}} | {{y.adj| number:2}} | {{x.note}} | |||
NOTE | {{x.note}} |
Grantor | Grantee | Doc # | Doc Type | Doc Date | DOR Code | Value/Sale Price | Sale Code | Note |
{{}} |
{{}} |
{{x.instr_num}} NOT AVAILABLE | {{x.instr_cd}} | {{x.dos}} | {{x.use_cd}} | {{x.price | number:0}} | {{x.trns_cd}} | {{x.note}} |
{{property.qi[1].FiscalYear1}}/{{property.qi[1].FiscalYear}} FV | {{property.qi[1].FiscalYear}}/{{(+property.qi[1].FiscalYear+1)}} {{property.qi[1].CurrentCategory}} | |
Taxable Land Value | {{property.qi[1].TaxableLand1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].TaxableLand | number}} |
Taxable Imp Value | {{property.qi[1].TaxableImps1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].TaxableImps | number}} |
Sec Pers Prop(rounded) | {{(property.qi[1].PersPropValue1/.35)| number }} | {{(property.qi[1].PersPropValue/.35)| number }} |
Taxable Total | {{property.qi[1].TaxableTotal1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].TaxableTotal | number}} |
Assessed Land Value | {{property.qi[1].AssessedLand1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].AssessedLand | number}} |
Assessed Imp Value | {{property.qi[1].AssessedImps1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].AssessedImps | number}} |
Sec Pers Prop(rounded) | {{(property.qi[1].PersPropValue1)| number }} | {{(property.qi[1].PersPropValue)| number }} |
Total Assessed | {{property.qi[1].AssessedTotal1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].AssessedTotal | number}} |
Supplemental New Const | {{property.qi[1].SupNewConst1 | number}} | {{property.qi[1].SupNewConst | number}} |
Closed Parcel. Please note year and category of valuation as it may not be a final value. | ||
The {{property.qi[1].FiscalYear}}/{{(+property.qi[1].FiscalYear+1)}} values are preliminary values and subject to change. | ||
This parcel has a supplemental assessment for 2014/2015. Please call the office for more information 328-2233 |
Taxable Land | New Value | Supplemental | Taxable Imps | OBSO | Tax Cap Value | Taxable Total | Land Assessed | Imps Assessed | Total Assessed | Secured PP Assessed | Exemption Value | |
{{x.yr}}/{{(x.yr_next.substring(2.2))}} {{}} | {{x.land_val | number:0}} | {{(x.new_val) | number:0}} | {{x.supp| number:0}} | {{x.tot_bld_no_obso | number:0}} | {{(x.tot_obso) | number:0}} | {{((x.abate.AO_NetTax/(property.tax_rates[x.yr][x.abate.TAg]/100))/.35) | number:0}} | {{x.bxl_val | number:0}} | {{(x.land_asd_val) | number:0}} | {{x.asd_bld_no_obso | number:0}} | SEC PP VAL HERE | {{(x.tax_val) | number:0}} | {{(x.ex_val) | number:0}} |
If the property sketch is not available on-line you can obtain a copy by calling (775) 328-2277 or send an email to with 'Sketch Request' in the subject line. Please include the APN.
Photos are not available for this Parcel.
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Washoe County Assessor for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Washoe County Assessor's Office as of 03-24-2025
If you have questions or corrections about our property data you can call us at 775-328-2277 or email us at
Bld - Sec | Code | Description | Occupancy | Year Built | Year Eff | SqFt |
{{x.num}} - {{x.sec_num}} | {{}} | {{y.dscr}} | {{x.occ_dscr}} | {{x.yr_act}} | {{x.yr_eff}} | {{y.eff_area}} |
All parcel data on this page is for use by the Washoe County Assessor for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Washoe County Assessor's Office as of 03-24-2025
If you have questions or corrections about our property data you can call us at 775-328-2277 or email us at